Full-Stack E-Commerce Site

Design and development of a clothing focused e-commerce website, using PayPal API for payment validation

Placeholder Image (1920x1080)

The main goal of this project was to create a fully functional e-commerce website that would allow users to browse and purchase clothing items. The website was designed to be responsive and user-friendly, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

3D character

Character gifCharacter gif

The client asked for a 3D interactive element. I designed a PS1 style character to wear the clothing when the user adds an item to their cart. The design intention of a PS1 style 3D element allows the for a light 3D element that fits the brands design intentions.

The 3D elements were added with babylon.js, a 3D library for JavaScript. When a user adds an item of clothing to their basket, the character will animate and be wearing the clothing.

PayPal SDK

Payment processing is done with the PayPal SDK. The PayPal SDK is a JavaScript library that allows you to integrate PayPal payments into your website. The SDK provides a simple and secure way to accept payments from customers using PayPal.

The client had a business account and workflows with PayPal so this was the best integration option. We had considered Shopify but the client wanted to integrate the site with their existing PayPal workflow.